Whole cheesy pizza - The Woodfired Co

Is a Wood-fired Pizza Oven Worth It?

So, you’re popping the big question: not, “Will you marry me?”, but “Is a wood-fired pizza oven worth it?” For hundreds of years, people have been using wood-fired ovens to make pizza, and it’s still the best method of cooking it. Rich, smoky flavours, crispy crust, less oil used – it can be scientifically proven that wood-fired pizza is better than any other kind. But are you ready for the next step in your pizza making journey? Let’s find out why the answer is probably yes.

Taking entertainment to a whole new level

There’s no better way to spend warm nights at your place by cooking up a pizza feast and sharing it with family and friends. A family pizza night is so much more relaxed, intimate and cost-effective than going out for pizzas that are 25-30 bucks a pop. Hosting your loved ones and serving up a feed of delicious handcrafted pizza is something that never gets old.

They’re basically free

OK, forgive us for luring you in with a cheap salesperson tactic… but if you actually think about it, installing a pizza oven is free! They’re a huge bonus for potential homebuyers, from families, to couples and singles. This means they add value to your home, so if you’re thinking of selling your place down the track, you’re bound to get a better price for it. So, we’re not just pulling your leg when we say that installing a pizza oven in your outdoor area is free. It’s actually a chance to make money.

A versatile cooking utensil

Don’t listen to anyone who says that wood-fired pizza ovens can only be used for pizza. There’s an endless list of foods to cook in a pizza oven, like chicken, roast veggies, fish, lamb… you name it. Realistically, you can cook anything that will benefit from the smoky, chargrilled flavour of a wood-fired oven.

They’re durable

Another thing that makes wood-fired pizza ovens worth every penny is their durability. A great quality, Australian-made brick pizza oven is built to last a lifetime. With the right maintenance and cleaning, you’ll have your pizza oven forever!

Insane value for money

Now, since pizza ovens last so long, let’s break down the cost over the number of years they last. Let’s say you have your pizza oven for 20 years and pay $3000 for it. That’s $150 a year for your very own pizza oven. Break it down even further: it’s less than $3 a week. Let’s see Netflix or Stan compete with that kind of value! In other words, yeah – wood-fired pizza ovens are totally worth it. If you want a great value-for-money pizza oven, talk to the guys at the Wood Fired Co. Their ovens are some of the best in Australia, and they won’t set you back an arm and a leg. They’re able to be shipped right across Australia and New Zealand, so browse their range and get the pizza oven you deserve today!

Whole cheesy pizza - The Woodfired Co
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