Whole pizza sliced - The Woodfired Co

Do you Need a Pizza Oven to Make Good Pizza?

We all love pizza. It’s one of the most popular dishes in the world. And if you’ve had a bit of experience in making your own pizza, or you’re just starting out, you’ve probably run into a problem: your pizza is good, but there’s something missing. That missing element is a wood-fired pizza oven. It’s been the best method of cooking pizza for hundreds of years, and there’s still no better way of making it. The crispy toppings, the perfect dough, the unbeatable flavour: you can’t achieve these things without a proper pizza oven. The truth is, unless you want to be eating greasy pizza from one of the big chains for the rest of your life, you need a pizza oven to make authentic, wood-fired pizza. Here are a few reasons why pizza ovens out-perform conventional ovens in every way:

High heat

Your regular oven may go up to 260 degrees Celsius. But it’s still not hot enough. Pizza ovens produce a whopping 400-500 degrees, cooking your pizza within minutes. It’s this high heat which cooks your pizza evenly and to utter perfection. It also has a few health benefits…

Retains more nutrients

Your pizza may taste fine if you’re using a conventional oven, but a lot of the nutrients from your pizza (especially your veggies) will be lost. It takes longer to cook pizza in a conventional oven and, over this long period of time, some of the nutrients from your veggies are reduced. Wood-fired pizza ovens take minutes to cook pizza, retaining more of the good stuff in your lovely fresh toppings.


This is probably the single biggest thing missing from your conventional oven-made pizzas. Your pizza doesn’t have that distinct, European, wood-fired flavour. The wood makes all the difference, which is why there’s a huge distinction between American-style, deep-dish pizzas and proper Italian wood-fired pizzas.


When you use a wood-fired pizza, the texture of your dough is simply the bomb. It’s that crunchy, crisp base with a beautiful fluffy crust – the way pizzas were always meant to be made. You might have found that your conventional oven-made pizzas have been a little oily, or a perhaps slightly soggy. The only way to get the perfect pizza base is by using a wood-fired pizza oven. So, we’re not saying that conventional oven pizza is bad – it’s just not as amazing as wood-fired pizza. If you want to become a true pizza master, talk to the experts at the Wood Fired Co. They specialise in making high quality domestic and commercial pizza ovens, shipping them Australia- and New Zealand-wide. The Wood Fired Co. pride themselves on delivering the best quality ovens at affordable prices, with the aim of satisfying Australia’s appetite for handcrafted pizza.

Whole sliced pizza - The Woodfired Co
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